Life saving tips that all new parents should live by.

At HALO®, we strive to make products that support safe sleep for baby. But creating a safe sleeping environment while adhering to best practices are pinnacle in ensuring the safety of your newborn.

As a new parent, it would seem like the last thing you’d have to worry about is your infant while they’re sleeping. After all—this may be the only time you have to sleep yourself. But many seemingly harmless things are actually environmental stressors that can lead to obstructed breathing or overheating.

Thankfully, many of these dangers are preventable by following these simple, safe sleep tips—so you can actually get that much needed shut eye knowing your baby is safe.

Back Sleeping is Safe Sleeping

As stated by The Lullaby Trust, back sleeping is the most effective practice in SIDS prevention, and is recommended for babies and infants under 1 years old. HALO®’s SleepSack® swaddle and sleeping bags are embroidered with “Back is Best”—a reminder of this important practice for caregivers to always place baby on their back, whether it be for a nap or bedtime.

Lose the Loose Blankets

Baby blankets can cause entrapment and suffocation to your sleeping infant, as their muscles are not developed enough to be able to free themselves out of compromising positions. Loose blankets can be used after 12 months, or baby’s first birthday. Until then, you can safely bundle them in Halo® SleepSack® baby swaddles and wearable blankets—the #1 choice of wearable blankets in 1,700 hospitals across the US.

Stay in the Clear with a Clear Cot

Objects placed in the baby cot during sleep pose suffocation and entanglement hazards throughout infancy. That includes pillows, quilts, comforters, sheepskins, blankets, toys, stuffies, bumper pads or similar products that attach to cot slats or sides. The only thing that should be in baby’s cot is a snug fitting, firm mattress, a secured fitted sheet and of course: baby.

Room Share, Not Bedshare

The Lullaby Trust recommends room-sharing for at least 6 months but preferably for a year. Room sharing is much safer than bed sharing and can decrease the risk of SIDS by as much as 50%. Plus, room sharing makes it easier for you to tend to baby. Place your baby's cot close to your bed for easy monitoring. The HALO® BassiNest® Swivel Sleeper collection is the only bassinet that has a full 360° swivel, allowing you to bring baby closest to you in bed.

Soft Surfaces are a Hard No

Soft surfaces may indent or conform to the shape of the baby’s head and obstruct baby’s breathing and inadvertently lead to suffocation. Infants should only sleep on a snug fitting firm mattress.

Monitor Temperature

You may want to throw on that extra layer for good measure, but overheating poses a real threat to your infant. Closely monitor baby’s room, with 16-20°C as the ideal sleeping temperature. Avoid over-bundling, and avoid loose clothing items such as bibs, hats or scarves.

Current Cots and Bassinets are Best

When choosing a newborn bassinet or baby cot bed, make sure it uses a firm mattress and complies with today’s safety standards. Do not use a cot that is more than 10 years old, as an older cot may not meet current safety standards or, one that has been modified in any way or repaired using hardware that has not been supplied by the manufacturer. The HALO® BassiNest® is not only JPMA certified, but is independently tested to meet and/or exceed all British Standard children’s furniture-cots safety requirements.

No Smoking, No Joking

Even if you do not smoke close to your baby, smoke poses a serious danger to them. Babies who live with smokers or are exposed to secondhand smoke have an increased risk of SIDS. This means, keep your baby away from smokers and places where people smoke. Smoke can affect them even when outside. Your home and car should be completely smoke-free.